For the men and women of Tactical Supply Wing (TSW), detachments to Iraq are second nature. After a significant contribution to the successful entry of coalition forces into Iraq in 2003, the Stafford-based Wing has, ever since, provided fuel to all types of coalition helicopters in southern Iraq.

The Oshkosh off-road tanker provides a new capability.
[Picture: RAF NEWS]
Working mainly out of the established bases at Basrah, As Sammawah and Al Amarah, the TSW refuelling crews are at a moment’s notice to provide its specialist skill of ‘rotors turning refuelling’ to a variety of coalition helicopters. However, being on TSW, which celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2006, is not just about refuelling helicopters. Wg Cdr Clive Watson, the Wing’s Commanding Officer, said: “Out in any theatre, personnel from TSW provide a range of aviation fuel support capabilities to support battlefield helicopter operations; from aircraft marshalling to quality checks of fuel and the movement of aviation fuel throughout the area of operation. In the current environment of southern Iraq, all TSW operators, not withstanding their trade, have a part to play in the whole mission.”
In addition to its core task of providing fuel, TSW prides itself on the other fuels-related skills that all ranks on the wing are capable of. Whether it is basic fuels equipment maintenance or rigging fuels-related underslung loads all nine trades which are represented are trained to offer the same level of service.

An American Cobra helicopter gunship is the next ‘customer’ for Tactical Supply Wing.
[Picture: RAF NEWS]
A recent arrival in Iraq was the new Oshkosh off-road refuelling tanker. The new vehicle offers a huge step up in off-road fuels capability. The 445-horsepower tankers bristle with new technology including the ability to decrease tyre pressures while on the move when more grip is needed, locking differentials, air conditioning and automatic drive systems for different surfaces such as mud and sand. It was a procurement project where drivers and suppliers on the Wing had their say in ensuring that their suggestions were included in the final production vehicles. When all tankers have been delivered, the Wing will be the biggest single user of this vehicle.
This article first appeared in the newspaper ‘RAF NEWS’ issue no. 1,143