The closure of RAF Stafford in 2006 meant that the unique and historic Freedom privileges awarded by the Borough of Stafford to the Station were relinquished. This caused a great gap in the long standing and close relationship which the RAF and Borough had enjoyed for nearly 70 years.
However, the high regard in which the RAF was held was again apparent as Tactical Supply Wing continued to “fly the Flag” (actually the Ensign) by involving itself with the local community. Accordingly, on the 2nd October 2007 the Borough Council passed a resolution to confer the Freedom of the Borough on the Wing which has been based at Stafford for nearly 40 years.
The formal granting of the Freedom with the associated ceremonies was carried out on Saturday 19th April 2008. TSW is the first RAF Unit (as opposed to Station) to be granted such Freedom privileges – another first! The Wing paraded an enhanced Flight and was supported by the fine music of the band of the RAF Regiment. The drill was outstanding. Did the Wing Warrant Officer, Bob McBey, (an Association member) have something to do with it?!

OC TSW, Wg Cdr Nick Atkinson, passes the Freedom Scroll and Casket to Fg Of Alex Chikhani and escort party during the service in the Collegiate Church of St Mary at Stafford

The TSW contingent march into the Market Square in Stafford Town Centre, let by Sqn Ldr Greg Waterworth

Councillor Brian Price, Mayor of Stafford Borough, inspects the TSW contingent accompanied by Sqn Ldr Greg Waterworth

Bayonets fixed!

On Parade. Wg Cdr Nick Atkinson takes command of the TSW contingent

Wg Cdr Nick Atkinson prepares to exercise the right of Freedom by marching through the town with bayonets fixed and drums beating
Our President ACM Sir Joe French, ably supported by the committee, represented the Association on what was an historic and moving occasion.