The Association’s 2008 AGM and Reunion Dinner was held at Stafford on 6th, 7th and and 8th June 2008 – attended by over 60 members. As usual, the weekend started with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Tillington Hall Hotel on the Friday evening. The AGM was held on the Saturday morning, which preceded the TSW Families Day at Beacon Barracks while some 26 members visited the National Memorial Aboretum at Alrewas. On Saturday evening, the Association Annual Dinner was held, again at the Tillington Hall Hotel; finally, on the Sunday morning a short service of commemoration and re-dedication was held in St Chad’s Church, MOD Stafford, led by the Officiating Chaplain Revd John Davis MBE.

The AGM was held in the Sgts’ Mess at MOD Stafford

The Association Committee
LtoR: Pete Berry, Tim Newstead, Duncan Grant
and Des Peters

Members awaiting the start of the AGM

Pete Berry focuses in on history!
The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The meeting paused to remember those Members who had passed away and for the serving TSW members presently on duty in the Front Line.
One item remained outstanding from the 2007 AGM Actions – the possibility of organizing a “mid year” outing. The initiation of the President’s Award sponsored by JCB had been a great success.
The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Association to the Wing for all the support offered throughout the year. Special thanks were due to Craig Veitch and Bob McBey. OC TSW, Wing Commander Nick Atkinson, offered a historic perspective of the previous 12 months’ activities.
The Treasurer’s report for the year 2007 was accepted. In view of the healthy state of the Accounts, members were requested to forward ideas for the use of funds for the benefit of members and/or TSW. Current paid up membership stood at 81 Servicing Commandos and 124 TSW members.
Volunteers were sought for the vacant post of Membership Secretary. After the meeting Martin Williams offered to take on this role.
Peter Berry offered a detailed brief on progress with the RAF Museum project, which was going well. It was hoped to have a “grand event” at the RAF Museum once the display project was complete.
The meeting agreed that the Normandy Project would not be progressed further by the Association. However, further investigations would be undertaken as to the most appropriate place to record the names of the 17 Servicing Commando members who had lost their lives in WWII.
The Welfare and Publicity member presented proposals for the new Association tie as a first step in developing a range of commodities. Click here to see the option chosen by members’ vote.
It was agreed that the next AGM and social gathering would be held in June 2009; however, the precise dates would need to take account of 65th anniversary of D-Day commemorations elsewhere.

Robin Springett, Mac McQuillin, George Revell and Gwyneth Pritchard at the RAF Servicing Commando plinth at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas; the Armed Forces Memorial in the background

The Armed Forces Memorial
The Reunion Dinner

Members enjoy the Reunion Dinner

David Orr picks a raffle ticket accompanied by Des Peters and Joe Ronan