As part of their Remembrance activities earlier this month, 4 members of the RAF Cottesmore RAFA Committee undertook a visit to northern France to commemorate the Armistace. CT Dave Craven (Chairman) led the party accompanied by Cpl Richie Crouch, SAC Lucy King and FS Neil Storer, an Association member. Also on the visit were 2 photographers LA(Phot) Lewie Holden and SAC Danni Farrell. Neil took with him a wreath to lay at the grave of LAC Leonard Charles Lansdowne, a member of 3206 SC, at Marissel Cemetry in Beauvais, on behalf of our Association.
The trip was centred around the town of Ferte-Sous-Jouarre, whose Mayor heads up the local administration that covers some 19 smaller communities; the team were involved in various commemoration ceremonies in the area on Remembrance Sunday, 11th November 2008. In particular, they attended the commemorations at Basseville Cemetry, and from Neil’s description, it is clear that the local community still holds the final resting place of 4 members of a Lancaster crew who are buried there in high regard and with the utmost respect. In Ferte-Sous-Jouarre, wreaths were laid at both the British and French memorials. Children and young people were at the centre of each of these memorial services; at the French memorial, local children read extracts from letters sent back from the trenches to families in the local area. After a Civic reception, the RAFA committee joined ATC Cadets at another Commonwealth Cemetery at Perreuse.

FS Neil Storer lays a wreath at the grave of LAC Leonard Lansdowne at Marissel Cemetry, France
Pictures by LA(Phot) Lewie Holden and SAC Danni Farrell – RAF Cottesmore
Neil Storer writes: “…With the 11th being so busy, we had visited the grave of LAC Lansdowne on the 10th. Although within the broad remit of the trip, the desire to visit LAC Lansdowne’s grave and lay a wreath on behalf of the Association was a very personal one. I was delighted when the whole party chose to join me and travel the 80 odd kilometres to Beauvais, especially the pair of photographers. This personal odyssey completely captured the imagination of the whole party. To be seeking out the final resting place of an individual whose name we knew gave the visit additional gravitas, and all of the party commented to me that the visit was one of the most worthwhile things that they had done in their Service careers. It was also a visit that piqued the interest of the group.”