The Association’s 2009 AGM and Reunion Dinner was held at Stafford during the weekend of 29th 30th May 2009. The event was attended by over 60 members. As usual, the weekend started with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Tillington Hall Hotel on the Friday evening. The AGM was held on the Saturday morning, which preceded the TSW Families Day at Beacon Barracks, while some 20 members visited the National Memorial Aboretum at Alrewas for the dedication of the plaque to the Fallen Servicing Commandos of WWII. On Saturday evening, the Association Annual Dinner was held, this year, in the Sergeants’ Mess. Many of the younger (and not so young!) stalwarts then continued their celebrations at the Wing’s Hangar Bash until the early hours. The weekend was a huge success and a great time was had by all!
The Wing has obtained a limited-edition print of the painting “St Croix Sur Mer” by Robert Taylor. The print had been signed the artist and 3 aircrew members – AVM Johnnie Johnson, Sqn Ldr Danny Browne and Flt Lt Larry Robillard; prior to the dinner, all the Servicing Commando members present also added their signatures to the painting. The print will go on display in the Mountbatten Room of the Officers’ Mess, along with other Servicing Commando memorabilia.

Members gather for the AGM in the Sgts’ Mess

Servicing Commandos sign the picture – Alan “Mac” McQuillin with pen, watched by Ernie Deighton and Alec Sharp; Len Cole chats with John Andrews in the background

Would you buy a used car from this lot?!
L to R: Duncan Grant, Malcolm Quick, Richard Lennard and Tommy Farr

A great time was had by all!
L to R: Cynthia Deighton, Pauline Luckett, Mary Luckett, George Revell, Ena Taylor, Rae Taylor and Ernie Deighton
The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The meeting paused for a moment of quiet reflection for those members who had passed away and for the Wing personnel who were on active duty, particularly in Afghanistan.
In accordance with the Articles of Association, Committee members need to be reconsidered for election after two years in office; there being no alternative volunteers, the Committee was re-elected unanimously.
There were no matters arising from the 2008 AGM. The two key actions regarding a public display at the RAF Museum and the addition of a Roll of Honour at the National Memorial Arboretum had been completed. Members were encouraged to purchase the new ties through Des Peters.
SAC “Taff” Woolway, an MT Driver, was the winner of the 2008 President’s Award. He was introduced to members and his citation read out.
The Chairman introduced the new OC TSW, Wing Commander Tim Etches, our Liaison Officer Squadron Leader John Andrews and the new Wing Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer Mark Farrell. The support given to the Association by the Wing and their predecessors had been outstanding and was given due recognition. Wing Commander Etches highlighted the activities and achievements of the Wing during the preceding year.
The Treasurer introduced the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2008, which had been duly validated, and his report for the year was accepted. Apart from subscriptions, a number of donations had been received, including those from JCB, RAFA Stone and from individual members. Funds were in a healthy state; however, income from interest had reduced due to the current financial climate. Such was the state of finances, it was agreed appropriate to offer the sum of £1500-£2000 to the Wing for a major investment for the benefit of Wing personnel. Note: Subsequently, it was agreed that the Association would fund the purchase of white goods (fridge/freezers, microwave ovens and table-top hobs) for the snack preparation area in each of the TSW barrack blocks at Beacon Barracks.
Current paid up membership stood at 216 members. A steady trickle of new ex TSW members was being received. In addition, two former Servicing Commandos had joined or rejoined in the last year. There was still a need to encourage serving TSW members to join. The question of extending membership to personnel who had served at RAF Gutersloh, or indeed RAF Wildenrath, who had a common heritage with TSW through the Tactical Fuels Squadron, many being FSD qualified, was debated. It was also suggested extending membership to non TSW personnel, or indeed non RAF personnel who had an affinity with the Association or a particular relationship. Finally, “Mac” McQuillin proposed that Mrs. Renee Atkinson, widow of Tom Atkinson, should be invited to join as an Associate member in view of her late husband’s commitment to the Association and his historical publication.
The extension of membership to former Gutersloh and Wildenrath personnel was agreed in principle.
The Committee was authorised to introduce appropriate membership criteria and promulgate the criteria by the end of 2009.
Non TSW (or indeed non Gutersloh or Wildenrath) personnel could be sponsored for consideration on an individual basis as Associate Members in accordance with the Articles of Association.
Associate Membership for Renee Atkinson was agreed unanimously
The chairman briefed the meeting on the project to develop a DVD photo and film archive. This was being handled by Martin Williams in partnership with Bob McBey.
Peter Berry was continuing to archive Servicing Commando material ready for handing to the Wing / RAF Museum for safe custody. Thanks were due to Peter for all the hard work he had put in to ensure the public display at the RAF Museum was such a success.
Jim Coleman’s draft history of the Wing was being circulated to “volunteer” sub editors for review and editing.
The meeting considered that the arrangements for 2009 should, in the main, be replicated for 2010. A date would be agreed with the Wing and promulgated in due course.