Yes, it has finally happened. The indefatigable Bob McBey’s years have finally caught up with him – even if the RAF hasn’t!
Bob has been a stalwart in supporting the new Association since it was formed. Without his able support and counsel (not too many questions asked!) life would have been a great deal more difficult in keeping the show on the road and providing the essential components in running the Association.
Of course he had a good grounding, having joined as an Admin Apprentice in 1970 from his beloved Aberdeenshire. In spite of what many think, he actually did serve in locations another than TSW at Stafford! These included a tour at Saxa Vord in the Shetland Islands (where the whisky economy took a down turn after his posting south), another Island paradise, Gan in the Maldives, and of course being an RAF stalwart, a tour in Lincolnshire (Coningsby)!
However, he is best remembered for his time at TSW – in various ranks. Clearly his continued elevation meant he was never caught!! Of course, it was while on TSW that he met and married Shirley; what a brave lady she has been! However, perhaps as a former TSW administrator she knew what the challenge was!
Bob was never happier than being out of the office and avoiding senior management so that he could run events in his way! So much has he enjoyed the outdoors that he has graced the Falkland Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan with his presence. Of course presence is what he has, being a mountain of a man. It was for his work in Operation Granby (Gulf War 1) that he was awarded the BEM.
After 38 years in Blue (or DPM) Bob moves on to pastures new. We wish him and Shirley well and look forward to his continued support for the Association.