Serving and retired members of the Association, with the active support of specialist teams at RAF Cosford and MoD’s Defence Film Library, have produced a CD and DVD to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the formation of Tactical Supply Wing. The CD contains over 300 photographs presenting a marvellous pictorial history of the Wing’s operations and events during its first 40 years. The DVD includes 4 films: “Tactical Refuelling” 1977, “Hot Refuelling” 1986 (aka ‘Blazing Nozzles’ and ‘Only Fuels and Hoses’!), “Liquid Lifeline” 2000 and, finally, TSW in Afghanistan on Op HERRICK, made in 2009.

Copies of the CD and DVD are available from the Webmaster and Treasurer, Tim Newstead. We wish to recoup our costs – any surplus will be donated to a charity of the Wing’s choosing – so please give generously; £6 for the two discs, which includes postage and packing, would be fine as a minimum donation. Donations can also be made via PayPal using the Donate button below: