Following the 2007 AGM, Sqn Ldr Peter Berry very kindly volunteered to become the Association’s Historical Focal Point – we wonder if he knew the work he was volunteering for!! His first task was to lead the very successful project which culminated in the opening of the display at the RAF Museum Hendon in October 2008. The wealth of information that Peter had collected soon made him realise the need to properly catalogue and protect this precious material and so he set about the archive project. Though not particularly difficult, the task has been very time consuming sifting through all the information and collating it into some sort of order. Peter has placed the items into protective plastic wallets which are then collected together in document boxes for storage, each with a referenced contents list. As with all projects, there is more work still to do to improve subject/contributor/date/theatre grouping, but now that all the items are protected, this can be done in slower time. We are very grateful to Peter for his hard work – particularly as he also has a full-time job which takes him away from home for a couple of days or more each week – if you want a job doing well, give it to a busy man….?! Very many thanks Peter!

Box and contents ready for assembly!

Nice work if you can get it!!

The completed Boxes