The 2011 Reunion Dinner and AGM were held at Stafford on 3rd and 4th June. As reported earlier, the format was a little different this year in tht the Dinner was held on the Friday night rather than the hitherto customary Saturday evening. Although the numbers attending were slightly down on previous years, a good time was had and we still had a (almost) full house with more than 65 members and their partners sitting down to dine in the Sergeants’ Mess. The AGM held on the Saturday morning was well attended too. A résumé of the main points arising from the AGM is given below.
Following the AGM and a buffet lunch in the Sergeants’ Mess, members and guests were able to enjoy the TSW Families Day – an event which seems to go from strength to strength! As well as the usual stalls and fare on offer, the RAF Falcons Parachute Display Team dropped in early during the afternoon to be followed by flypasts from two Spitfires of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, a wonderful sight – and sound! In addition, 5 helicopters were parked in a static display and, thus, MOD Stafford – for a short while at least – became quite an active airfield!

…more than 65 members and their partners sitting down to dine in the Sergeants’ Mess

Members gather for the AGM

OC TSW, Wg Cdr Polly Perkins, concludes her report with a light-hearted historical comment on Equipment Officers!
BBMF Spitfires Flypast – Wessex – Eurocopter EC135
The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The Chairman welcomed Members of whom 48 were in attendance.
Thought was given in a moment of reflection for those members of TSW on active duty and Association Members who had passed away.
Two matters were outstanding from the 2010 AGM – using the SAGA and RAFA House Magazines for advertising – which the Chairman undertook to progress.
In introducing the new OC TSW, Wing Commander Polly Perkins, the Chairman expressed the gratitude of the Association for the support provided by the Wing throughout the year. Without such support, the Association would find it difficult to sustain its activities. Particular thanks were due to Warrant Officer Mark Farrell – currently overseas on an operational tour. Wing Commander Perkins then offered her narrative report, from which it was clear that the Wing was in good spirits and was as heavily committed as ever in support of operations and exercises; she concluded with a light-hearted historical comment on Equipment Officers!
The Treasurer introduced the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2010, which had been duly validated, and his report for the year was duly accepted by those present. The funds continued to be in a healthy state and proposals continue to be sought for the use of some of the Association funds.
Current paid-up Membership stood at 224. Overall, membership numbers had increased by about 10% last year, while subscription monies remained fairly constant.
The Chairman notified the meeting that Bob McBey’s Bergathon Veterans’ Team had been promised £250 towards their sponsorship and £120 had been committed for Team T Shirts.
It was agreed that a donation of £250 would be given to the veterans’ mental health charity Combat Stress.
A proposal to take forward a project for the installation of a TSW crest plaque in the floor of the RAF Church, St Clement Danes, was agreed; a donation of £350 from Association funds was committed to the project with the balance to be sought through individual donations.
Three Associate Members were proposed and agreed – Sqn Ldr Jim Davies, Mr Joe Canning and Mr Paul Davies.
The Chairman, Duncan Grant, and Treasurer, Tim Newstead, were re-elected for a further 2-year period of office; Duncan advised that he would not seek re-election in 2013 and that a new Chairman would, thus, be sought. Paul Giles was elected as Welfare and Publicity member.
In discussion the meeting considered that, ideally, members would prefer the dinner to be held on the Saturday evening with an informal Friday gathering – as previously. However, there was recognition that the good offices of the Wing should not be prejudiced. Work in Committee would be undertaken to agree an optimum solution for 2012 with the foundation still resting at Stafford.