TSW Bergathon 2012 – A Plea!

It’s that time of the year again and Bob McBey had thought that he would, at last, be able to retire from this event!  But gullible as Bob is, he has been persuaded once again to run a team under the auspices of the Association!  The event will take place on Thursday 27th September and this year’s charity is Combat Stress.  So on behalf of the team we would be very grateful for any sponsorship you could give.  Please send cheques, made payable to SERVICE FUNDS DCAE COSFORD, to Bob at 25 Deepdales, Wildwood, Stafford, ST17 4NE.

For the uninitiated, the Bergathon is the annual RAF TSW Military march and shoot competition.  A six-man team each carry 35lb rucksacks with rifles over a distance of 30 km (so a total of 180 km per team) and all members must complete one shooting practice on the range.  The Association will, of course, provide some sponsorship for the team; however, if they are to beat last year’s excellent total of £1,200 (which they are very keen to do!) they need more donations!  If you are able, please do give generously so that we can encourage the team in their magnificent efforts.  You can, if you wish, also sponsor the team via the Association’s PayPal facility by using the Donate button – please show “Bergathon” as the purpose – any sums received in this way will be forwarded, in full (ie the Association will bear the small cost of the PayPal fee) to the team. Thank you!

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