Sir Joe expressed his appreciation of the work of the Wing

John Craven-Griffiths, Alan McQuillin and Sir Joe French
Following the generous donations of funds from many members of the Association, the project to install the Tactical Supply Wing slate plaque in the floor of the RAF Church at St Clement Danes in London came to fruition with the dedication service held on Sunday 29th April. The church already has the badges of most past and present operational units. The service was conducted by the Resident Chaplain, Revd David Osborn BD AKC RAF, and was attended by our President, ACM Sir Joe French and Lady French, our President designate, AVM Graham Howard, Father of the Wing and first OC, Gp Capt John Craven-Griffiths, and the present OC TSW, Wg Cdr Polly Perkins, together with serving and retired members of the Wing and the Association.
The dedication service was the culmination of the detailed arrangements put in place by former OC TSW and Association member, Gp Capt David Packman. The scripture readings were read by Association member Gp Capt Robin Springett and serving member of TSW, Sgt Jones. After the service, the attendees enjoyed a magnificent buffet within the church; this was an opportunity for friends old and new to catch up once again. Sir Joe and Polly Perkins spoke respectively of their appreciation of the work of the Wing and of the Association.