The 2012 Association Annual General Meeting and Reunion Dinner was held at Stafford on 15th and 16th June. This year, the weekend reverted to the more popular format of a ‘meet and greet’ at the Tillington Hall Hotel on the Friday evening followed by the AGM on the Saturday morning, the TSW Families Day in the afternoon and the Reunion dinner, again held in the Sergeants’ Mess, on the Saturday evening. The dinner was timed to enable those with stamina to attend the TSW Hangar Bash later in the evening.
Overall, the event was well attended, though no doubt, the damp and windy weather will have dissuaded some from attending. While it would have been good to see more members at the AGM we, nevertheless, had over 60 members and guests sitting down to dinner – including our outgoing and incoming Presidents – Air Chief Marshal Sir Joe French and Air Vice Marshal Graham Howard.

Treasurer, Chairman and Membership Secretary

Association Life Vice-President Mr Alan Robinson addressed the AGM

OC TSW, Wg Cdr Polly Perkins, reported on the latest Wing news
The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The Chairman welcomed Members of whom 31 were in attendance.
Thought was given in a moment of reflection for those members of TSW on active duty and Association Members who had passed away.
Thanks were given to David Packman in appreciation of his magnificent efforts regarding the installation and dedication of the TSW plaque in the floor of the RAF Church St Clement Danes and to Jim Coleman on his book telling the History of TSW “Support to Strike”.
OC TSW, Wing Commander Polly Perkins, reported on the current commitments of the Wing, including support for the forthcoming Olympic Games, and expressed her gratitude for the links with the Association.
The Treasurer introduced the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2011, which had been subjected to an independent check. The funds continued to be in a healthy state and proposals continue to be sought for the use of some of the Association funds. It was noted that the Association’s Bergathon Team – again led by Bob McBey – had made £1,200 in support of TSW’s chosen charity – a magnificent effort! A surplus of £200 from the St Clement Danes appeal had been donated to the Church and was being used for the refurbishment of the bell-ringers’ facilities.
Current paid-up Membership stood at 235. There had been a noticeable increase in new members in the first few months of 2012 – possibly due to the introduction of an on-line membership application facility.
As outlined below, David Orr had agreed to take over the Chairmanship of the Association from Duncan Grant in the autumn and David Packman had now taken over committee responsibility for Welfare and Publicity; both appointments were unanimously agreed.
Two Associate Members were proposed and unanimously agreed – Mr Rae Taylor and Miss Pauline Luckett.
OC HQ Sqn and TSW Liaison Officer – Sqn Ldr Sam Caldara – briefed the AGM on the forthcoming demolition and rebuilding of the Officers’ Mess and the need to safeguard the RAF memorabilia currently housed within the Mountbatten Room of the Mess. The Wing kindly undertook to facilitate the removal and storage of these artefacts, which included several items related to the Servicing Commandos, during the refurbishment for subsequent display in the new Mess.
The Chairman expressed the Association’s gratitude to Sir Joe French for all his support during his tenure as President – he had played an active role in opening doors for the Association. The incoming President, AVM Graham Howard, former OC TSW and Stn Cdr at RAF Stafford, who was present was welcomed as the new Association President; the transfer of presidency would take place in the autumn.
It was hoped that the 2013 AGM and Reunion would follow the now customary and successful format of this and previous years, subject to the availability of facilities. The Chairman appealed to members living locally to give up an hour of their time on the Friday and/or Saturday morning to help with setting up the Association’s hospitality tent.
OC TSW read the citation (see below) for the President’s Award to SAC Jonny Anderson who was the recipient of the award for 2011. Unfortunately, Jonny Anderson was unable to be present to receive his award at the AGM as he was on route back from his deployment to Afghanistan. The presentation ceremony would be arranged for later in the year. The congratulations of the AGM – and all members of the Association – would be passed on to SAC Anderson.
Life Vice President, Alan Robinson, previously Chairman of the RAF Servicing Commando Association, addressed the meeting to express the SCdos’ gratitude to the Wing and the Association for ensuring that the RAF Servicing Commandos’ service during WWII was not forgotten.
Robin Springett concluded the meeting by paying tribute to the work of the outgoing Chairman, Duncan Grant, in picking up the ball of forming and amalgamating the Association into what it is today – this was whole-heartedly echoed by all those present.

Association members enjoy the Reunion dinner
Throughout 2011 Senior Aircraftsman Anderson produced an exceptional performance fashioned by his boundless energy, can-do-attitude and sheer professionalism. His contribution, much of which takes place behind the scenes and for which he seeks no recognition, has been nothing short of inspirational. Anderson has been an extraordinary ambassador within the Training Flight. As the first point of contact for all new students his exceptional performance always portrays TSW in the best light and his efforts have enabled TSW to efficiently conduct training for many and varied operational and exercise tasks.
Earlier in 2011, the escalating tempo and high turnover of personnel resulted in an experience gap at the JNCO level. It was at this time that Anderson was selected to hold Junior Non Commissioned Officer acting rank. During this period of acting rank, Anderson deployed with Team 4 to Afghanistan where his drive and enthusiasm was utterly infectious. He helped mentor junior team members on their first operational tour with tact and diplomacy, ensuring that they were totally comfortable and conversant with their responsibilities and his professional approach was clearly seen as inspirational to the less experienced members of the detachment. Still in acting rank, SAC Anderson held the role of Detachment J4-Logistics JNCO and approached the role with customary diligence and commitment. Typical of his approach, he identified that the Spill Plan and H&S risk assessments at MOB Price were incomplete and out of date. Without any further prompting he set about correcting this, writing concise & accurate instructions, and then ensuring they were incorporated within Aviation Engineering Standing Orders. The drive, professionalism and diligence of SAC Anderson would be rare in a seasoned Non Commissioned Officer but in an airman it is exceptional.
On the sporting front, the achievements of SAC Anderson are unparalleled on the Wing. He has represented the Royal Air Force in Athletics at numerous high profile events culminating in the Braemar Games in front of HM the Queen. He has been a role model of the highest order and has actively raised the physical fitness level of many members of Tactical Supply Wing.
In summary, Anderson is an outstanding member of the Wing. Beneath his unruffled, gracious demeanour is an influential individual who has an encouraging and positive influence on everyone he has contact with. His hard work, determination and leadership have been essential to the visible successes of TSW on exercises and operations over the last year and he is wholly deserving of the Association President’s award for 2011.