SAC Jonny Anderson was unable to be present at the Association AGM in June as he was on route back from his deployment to Afghanistan. The presentation thus took place at JCB’s Worldwide Headquarters at Rocester in September. The Director of the Defence and Government Division, Michael Leeming, hosted a tour around the new 21st Century Visitor Centre followed by lunch. Presentations were made by the CEO, Mr Alan Blake, and former Association Chairman, Gp Capt Duncan Grant. The citation can be seen here.

LtoR: Mr Alan Blake (JCB CEO), SAC Jonny Anderson (with Trophy), Mrs Claire Anderson, Gp Capt Duncan Grant

The presentation party. Back: Flt Lt J Harrison (OC B Flt), Sqn Ldr S Caldara (OC HQ Sqn), WO M Thistleton (WO Trg), Flt Lt K Devlin (Adjt). Front: Mr Alan Blake (JCB CEO), SAC Jonny and Mrs Claire Anderson, Gp Capt Duncan Grant, Wg Cdr Polly Perkins

Duncan Grant presents the President’s Award certificate to Jonny Anderson

OC TSW, Wg Cdr Polly Perkins, together with Duncan Grant decide to go out for a quiet drive!