Time flies! It is 5 years since your Chairman succumbed to the wiles of Clive Watson and Alan Robinson that led to the formation of today’s Association. That being said, we would not be where we are without the help and support of a range of people; particularly the Committee and two Wing Warrant Officers.
However, it is now time to pass on the baton (unlike the Team GB relay team!). The last Newsletter indicated that a volunteer had been identified who met the demanding criteria-principally that of youth and race. Accordingly, the 2012 AGM confirmed David Orr as my successor. Well done David!
David served on the Wing in the early 80s bringing an originality and sense of humour second to none. He continued this approach throughout his career and managed to escape unscathed when he retired earlier this year.
David will make his own mark and, I know, plans to approach his new found responsibilities with his great blend of humour, enthusiasm and endeavour. Watch out for his contribution to the next Newsletter and no doubt on this excellent website managed by Tim Newstead.
David becomes Chairman on the 1st September, on the same date as our new President AVM Graham Howard becomes his mentor!
Although I relinquish my official responsibilities, I look forward to seeing you all next year and thereafter at our get togethers. Please support David and his Committee in making these events a success.
Like me, David benefited from a fine education north of the border so I leave you with this thought from a famous British poet and wish David every good fortune:
“The old order changeth giving place to new and God fulfils himself in many ways—“
(Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892-“Morte D’Arthur”)
With Every Good Wish
Duncan Grant