It’s starting to look a bit familiar – Bob McBey raises Association Team and leads them on the annual merry Bergathon and raises good money for the Wing’s charity. Except, this year it was a little different! Clearly, most of Bob’s past team stalwarts have either learnt their lesson or have not got the resilience or stubborn-ness of Bob! Thus, as reported below, without his own team to bully and cajole (and, possibly, a masochist at heart?!) Bob decided to join the local Search and Rescue team to give it just “one last go”!
Bob reports:
Once again, the Wing did itself proud with the organisation of the event. Due to the heavy tasking of many units, there were only 15 teams this year. No surprise that the Gurkhas from 22 Signals Regt won, with the TSW Para team a close second. This is the closest the Wing has been to winning for at least 10 years and it was down to the training which was lead by the new Training WO Mick Stokes. I must say, I found it easy going this year as the weather was just right and the new course was mainly flat or down hill though, sadly, the civilian teams were unable to fire weapons, which was a bit of a downer for the younger members of the team. As usual, it was not pain free – as you can see from the photos – but we put up a good show and came 12-15, so not bad for a bunch of civvies!

Left to Right, WO Mark Farrell, Steve Harris, Gav Fountain, Dan Tranter, Lucy Dean, Dean Mincher, Andy Mitchell, WO Mike Stokes, Sqn Ldr Dom Magenty and Bob McBey

Getting blisters dressed – over 30 people were treated for severe blisters
Very many thanks to all that gave sponsorship and support, Bob raised £445, a magnificent effort! The money will go to a worthy cause – The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice.