The presentation of the President’s Award for the TSW Airman of the Year was made to SAC Sam Fell on 21st May 2013. The ceremony, which was attended by Sam’s parents, sister and girlfriend, included presentations by David Orr, Chairman of the Association, and Michael Leeming, JCB’s Director & General Manager of Defence Products.

SAC Sam Fell receives the President’s Award from Chairman David Orr

Mr Michael Leeming, JCB, presents a momento to Sam Fell

The presentation party
The Citation
Senior Aircraftsman Fell has performed exceptionally throughout 2012 and his flare, drive and sheer professionalism have provided the continuity and focus for the TSW Operations Room during a period of re-organization and considerable upheaval. Having continually operated at a level far beyond his current substantive rank, Fell was awarded the rank of acting corporal in July 2012 as a result of a process review and a reallocation of tasks within the Operations Room. It was through outstanding leadership and steadfast determination from Fell that the new processes and changes were incorporated and taken forward. Always alive to the importance of his role in the effective delivery of TSW’s capability and as the interlocutor between higher formations and the rest of the wing; his skills as a communicator and the quality of his staff work has significantly raised the profile of TSW across Joint Helicopter Command.
His primary role has been the receipt of Joint Helicopter Command tasking and the subsequent allocation of TSW’s resources, by effective liaison with all relevant sections. The turnover of manpower within the Operations Room has made his job extremely demanding, requiring skilful management of resources and effective liaison between higher agencies and TSW management. Often having to work outside his remit to cover extended absences, he has been tactful yet forceful, and he has excelled within a high-tempo environment. He demonstrated phenomenal capacity when planning and allocating resources for TSW HERRICK Pre Deployment Training and de-conflicting resources with those allocated to current and planned Exercises, often without the direction of a senior non-commissioned officer. One responsibility he has relished has been to represent the wing at the monthly Battlefield Helicopter Allocation Meetings at Headquarters Joint Helicopter Command where his astute judgment, confidence and effective intelligence has allowed him to foster excellent working relationships and build upon TSW’s credibility with Command planning staffs.
Senior Aircraftsman Fell epitomizes the ethos of ‘Service-before-Self’ and notwithstanding his performance in his primary role, Fell has been outstanding in his dedication to his duties as the Deputy Air Cadet Liaison Officer, regularly giving up his free time to continue and develop this great TSW tradition. His character and leadership were specifically tested when he was required to personally take on the planning and delivery of the annual ATC Summer Camp. He accepted the challenge and drove the project through to fruition, delivering a hugely successful camp. He subsequently received plaudits from across the Unit and Staffordshire ATC Region, further contributing to cementing TSW’s standing in the local community. Moreover, he is frequently the first to volunteer for tasks such as leading a TSW display team at Plymouth town show during National Armed Forces Day or leading a TSW visit to a local school to deliver a capability demonstration.
His performance has been an inspiration for his peers and seniors alike, he has shown exceptional leadership and has been an outstanding ambassador for TSW. Instrumental in delivering the Unit’s continued success on Operations and Exercises, Senior Aircraftsman Fell is a deserving winner of the RAF Servicing Commando and TSW Association President’s Award for 2012.