The 2016 Association Annual General Meeting and Reunion Dinner was held at Stafford on 10th and 11th June with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Tillington Hall Hotel on the Friday evening followed by the AGM – held in the spanking new Sergeants’ Mess on the Saturday morning. As advertised previously, this year in a departure from the usual routine, there was a trial separation of the Reunion weekend from the TSW Families Day, but we were piviledged to view exhibits of the Wing’s equipment and chat to the many serving members of the Wing who had laid on the presentation for our benefit – which was greatly appreciated – as was the hospitality within Choppers, the TSW bar. The day was rounded off with a splendid Reunion dinner, again held in the Sergeants’ Mess with over 60 members and guests sitting down to dine.
Despite the overall reduced numbers of members due, we believe, to the separation of the weekend from the Families Day, the AGM allowed good opportunity for discussion and we were grateful, once again, to Gabbi Walker and her staff in the Mess for their hospitality.
At the dinner, SAC Scott Exelby was awarded with the President’s Award Trophy, a framed certificate and a cheque; in return, we were royally entertained with a rendition sung beautifully by Scott’s wife Erin – an amazingly tallented opera singer. Scott’s citation for his award is shown below.

The Meet & Greet Supper

The Meet & Greet Supper



Alan McQuillin and Ernie Deighton with Legion d’Honneur insignia

The Dinner!

… over 60 members and guests

Erin sings

Airman of the Year
Scott Exelby receives his certificate from Chairman David

Scott Exelby and Chairman David Orr
The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The Chairman welcomed Members and passed on thanks to TSW for their support for the weekend’s events.
A moment of reflection for those members of TSW on active duty and Association Members who had passed away was given and a Steve Turner to said a few words about Andy “Bart” Lawty to lead us in this reflection.
CO TSW, Wg Cdr Tim Moss, delivered the report of TSW`s year and the Chairman, David Orr, thanked CO TSW and placed on record special thanks from the Association for the continuing support and friendship of the Wing.
The Treasurer reported on the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2015. The funds remained in a healthy state and the Treasurer invited suggestions for worthy employment of the funds.
Current paid-up Membership stood at 245, a small increase over the previous year.
David Orr and David Packman were re-elected as Chairman and Welfare Member for a further 2 years. The Chairman reiterated the call for a successor to Tim Newstead in the role of Treasurer. Miss Pauline Luckett made a speech and presentation of a rose on behalf of the Servicing Commandos to illustrate their gratitude to Tim Newstead.
TSW had very kindly donated a new hard-wood bench (see picture above), dedicated to the RAF Servicing Commandos, to be sited alongside the newly refurbished RAF Servicing Commando Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas.
It was agreed that, for 2017 and until further notice, the annual dinner would be held on the Friday evening and the AGM would be held on the Saturday morning followed by lunch. Members would then be free to join the Families Day during the afternoon and the Hangar Bash in the evening.
Russ Watson briefed the AGM on plans he and Jim Coleman had for the next instalment of a book on the history of TSW and called, in particular, for stories, anecdotes and memorabilia to be contributed by Members to assist the undertaking. An e-mail address had been created to facilitate the provision of such offerings:
The Chairman reported that mutual agreement had been reached with JCB to put our relationship in ‘suspended animation’ as it had become increasingly apparent that TSW & the Association offered little to JCB in terms of business, relevant publicity or opportunity. Equally, JCB had repositioned its military arm in USA. The AGM noted with gratitude its thanks for JCB support over the years.
Following the AGM, Gp Capt David Packman generously offered to take up the sponsorship of the Airman of the Year Award for a period of 5 years, providing a Trophy to be engraved with winners’ details, and to provide funds for a £100 cash award also to be made annually.
Immediately following the AGM, Sgt Dean Wagstaff offered to consider assuming the role of treasurer, depending on the workload and routine in his forthcoming posting away from TSW. Even before the excessive good cheer & bonhomie at the Annual Dinner that evening, Sgt Russ Watson of TSW Ops made a more firm commitment to assume the role. Both offers were very grateully received; Russ Watson’s appointment was agreed unanimously by all other Committee Members pending ratification by the membership at the 2017 AGM. Arrangements would be made in due course for the handover/takeover.
The record of the AGM can be found here.