The 2017 Reunion Dinner and AGM was held at Stafford on 30th June and 1st July. The events were very well attended, with 85 members and friends sitting down to dine in the Sergeants’ Mess on the Friday evening. At the dinner, the President’s Award was presented to the Airman of the Year, SAC Jordan Williams (see below), by Gp Capt David Packman who has very generously sponsored the Award for the next 5 years.

The AGM held on the Saturday morning; a résumé of the main points arising from the AGM is given below. Following the AGM and a buffet lunch in the Sergeants’ Mess, members and guests were able to enjoy the TSW Families Day and, in the evening, the Hangar Bash.

The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The Chairman welcomed Members, passed on apologies from absent friends and thanks to TSW for their support for the weekend’s events.
A moment of reflection for those members of TSW on active duty and Association Members who had passed away.
The Chairman reminded members of the need to pass on stories and anecdotes to Jim Coleman for his next edition of the Wing history book.
CO TSW, Wg Cdr Jamie Miller, reported on TSW`s year and the Chairman, David Orr, thanked CO TSW and placed on record special thanks from the Association for the continuing support and friendship of the Wing.
The Treasurer reported on the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2016. The funds remained in a healthy state and the Treasurer again invited suggestions for worthy employment of the funds.
Current paid-up Membership stood at 254, another small increase over the previous year.
Luke Kirwan was elected as Membership Secretary vice Martin Williams who had undertaken the role for several years; thanks were passed to Martin – and his wife Terry – for their considerable support during Martin’s time on the committee. The Chairman again reiterated the call for a successor to Tim Newstead in the role of Treasurer.
The Chairman gave a broad outline on the Association’s involvement in the RAF’s Centenary celebrations in 2018. It was felt that joining the activities in London would probably be too difficult, but that the Association would join with the Wing in the Freedom Parade at Stafford.
The Chairman reported on the RAF Heraldry Trust whose aim is to catalogue and preserve the heraldic badges of all RAF units past and present. The Association had sponsored the inclusion of the TSW unit badge; regretably, the Servicing Commando badge could not be included as it was not an authorised badge.
Following the stepping back of JCB’s support to the Association, the Chairman had approached Air & Ground Aviation Ltd to fulfil the role as industrial partners to the Association; this was welcomed unanimously.
Alan McQuillin very generously donated a picture and book of Typhoon Tales to CO TSW for display in the Mess.
Immediately following the AGM, Sgt Chris Furlong volunteered to assume the role of Treasurer from Tim Newstead; arrangements would be made the handover/takeover.

This plaque is in memory of the RAF Servicing Commandos who served in the Far East from 1944 to 1946.
Their bravery, endeavour and achievements will not be forgotten and will forever be an inspiration to those who provide expeditionary logistic support to the Royal Air Force.

Plaque in memory of the RAF Servicing Commandos placed in All Saints Church at Maymyo Hill Station, Myanmar (formerly Burma)
Alan McQuillin donated a picture and book to CO TSW for display in the Mess