It is with great regret and sadness that we report the death, on Sunday 13th August, of Father of the Wing and Life Vice President Gp Capt John Craven-Griffiths OBE RAF (retd) after a short illness. The funeral was held, with suitable style, at the Church of St Paul and St Margaret, Nidd, Harrogate on Friday 1st September. TSW provided a guard of honour and pall bearers for the service; Association Chairman, David Orr, writes:
The weather was less than kind and the guard of honour, lining the path to the remote, rural Kirk were drookit`, rain dripping from cap-peaks which were held high, straight and proud nonetheless. Their presence was moving. The Bearer party of SNCOs were expertly marshalled into and out of the restricted space of the ancient nave and chancel by WO Mick Stokes, who had returned to the Wing for this duty in place of Wg WO Gaz Barlow, on richly-deserved holiday in Mexico. The mourners heard CG`s sons Robin, Guy and 2 grandsons give amusing, poignant recollections; and Robin Springett added reflections of a contemporary, military friend and colleague. Another member of the “founding few” team of TSW present amongst the mourners was Jim Coleman, transported by Bob McBey. CO TSW, Jamie Miller, brought particular focus to CG`s enduring legacy. His contribution was warmly welcomed and capped a fine send off.
Of course, as is the way with my prose tales, the sun broke through as CG was borne to the hearse for his final journey, TSW at attention, saluting farewell to their founder. In chatting with Barbara Craven-Griffiths after the service, we were struck by how touched she was by the serving and retired turn out and how keen she was to chat to the young airmen, to thank them personally. Duty served all round, rightly.