The 2019 Reunion Dinner and AGM was held at Stafford on 28th and 29th June. The events were very well attended, with 80+ members and friends sitting down to dine in the Sergeants’ Mess on the Friday evening.

The main points arising from the AGM were as follows:
The Chairman welcomed Members and passed on thanks to TSW for their support for the weekend’s events.
Thought was given in a moment of reflection for those members of TSW on active duty and Association Members who had passed away.
CO TSW, Wing Commander Tom Stevenson, reported on the recent and ongoing commitments of the Wing.
The Treasurer introduced the Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2018. It was agreed that the Newsletter would be the main vehicle in future for the disemination of the Association’s financial report. Thanks were offered to Libby MacKinnon for her work and committment in taking on the role of Association Treasurer.
Current paid-up Membership stood at 277 with further applications pending.
The newly appointed Events Secretary, Wayne Shelton, gave a comprehensive overview of past and future events. Thanks were givrn to Wayne for his tremendous efforts in organising all the events for Association members.
David Packman had decided to stand down as Welfare Secretary; thanks were given to David for his continued effort and support over a number of years. Tthis role would be taken over by Geordie Lumsden.
Duncan Grant would be standing down as Vice President and Neil Cromarty had agreed to replace take on this role. Chairman David thanked Duncan for his valuable contribution and commitment to the role and also to Neil for agreeing to continue in the role.
It was agreed that Sarah Bosworth and Chris Ryan would join the committee as female representative and Merchandise Member respectively.
Chairman David spoke of the good relationship and links thst the Association had with TSW and thanked them for their continued support and enthusiasm.
Pauline Luckett, on behalf of the Servicing Commandos, thanked Duncan Grant for everything he had done in support of the Servicing Commandos and the Association.
Wg WO, Gaz Barlow, thanked the Association for its continual support to the Wing.
It was agreed that a link would be established from the Association website whereby members could submit stories of events that had occurred during their time on the Wing. This would provide a repository of material to assist in the continuing production of the book on the History of TSW by Jim Coleman.
All those present were thanked for their attendance at the AGM
A record of the AGM can be found here.