Back in October 2019, at a meeting of the RAFSC&TSW Assn committee, just as the world was starting to go pear-shaped, the poor state of the memorial to our Servicing Commando forebears was discussed. Positioned at the National Memorial Arboretum, time and weather hadn’t been kind to it, and the possibility of repair/renovation/replacement was discussed, along with why there wasn’t a memorial to those who have served on Tactical Supply Wing.
The discussions initially centred on renovation of the RAFSC memorial and the building of a new TSW memorial alongside it, to remember those who are no longer with us. It was decided that some initial enquiries needed to be made with staff at the NMA to look at options, prices, and locations. As there is already an area known to us as the RAFSC Grove, with trees dedicated to individual SC units, it was hoped that we would be able to position a TSW memorial in the area.
The NMA informed us that a renovation of existing RAFSC memorial would possibly be cost prohibitive, and offered us options of a rebuild, or a new memorial, to stand alongside or be part of a new TSW memorial. They gave us names of recommended stonemasons to sound out options. A meeting was arranged with Nick Johnson, who is a preferred mason at NMA, and he walked some committee members around the NMA showing examples of his work.
In the meantime, it was decided that we’d start to raise funds for the memorial and the Association put aside £4000 with TSW allocating £2000. Initial plan was to have one 2-metre-tall memorial with dedication to TSW on one side, and RAFSC on the other. After discussion with Nick, we believed we could do the whole thing for approximately £10k. Oh dear, how wrong can you be? A GoFundMe page was set up to allow people to make donations to the fund, and this was advertised on all available TSW and Association social media sites, and passed by word of mouth. When we initially put in the applications for a memorial, we were presented with a bill for £1000. Yes, £1000 just to apply with no guarantee of success at the Application Board at the NMA.
Many designs were put together, hoping to stay in budget and with help from Nick, the committee decided to go with two new memorials, a replacement one for RAFSC and a new one for TSW. What followed was months of trying to get the correct wording on both memorials, positioning and sizing. NMA rules ban new memorials from having individual personnel names inscribed, and we wanted the plaque with names of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice from the old RAFSC memorial placed onto the new one. A small battle of words ensued with Neil Cromarty eventually winning the battle of words by convincing the NMA that the RAFSC memorial was technically a replacement, not a ‘new’ one. Round 1 to the Association. We wouldn’t be so lucky in Round 2!
A campaign of raising money through sales of merchandise and members approaching their employers was begun and started to bear fruit. (Mick Robinson brought in £500 from his employers at the docks, Carl Ronson brought in £1000 from DPD, to name but two.) The design and build of the memorials started apace, but a spanner was soon thrown in the works! The NMA informed us that no maintenance would take place in and around the memorial unless we signed a maintenance agreement for 20 years, whereafter they would take on the task in perpetuity. The staff of the NMA worked out that we’d need to raise more than £11,000 to put this in place. Round 2 to the NMA. Now having to pay for two brand new memorials, the VAT and also raise the money for the maintenance agreement, it looked like we could be dead in the water, as the figure now required exceeded £30,000. How would we raise that amount of money?
We had planned to unveil in August 2020, but with Covid-19 doing it’s best to put the UK back into the Stone Age, we had to postpone the planned unveiling of the memorials twice, due to Government restrictions. Covid was running riot, and affecting everyone, but the cancellations gave us more time to push to raise money. TSW was due to celebrate it’s 50th Anniversary, and it was decided we’d commission various items of merchandise bearing the TSW Crest with the words ‘50th Anniversary’ and try to raise money that way. We had cufflinks, tiepins, Polo shirts, commemorative coins, Tee shirts and so much more. Association members jumped at the chance of buying this one-off stuff, and we got closer and closer to our target. Will we get there in time?
Following the lifting of restrictions, we were aiming to unveil these memorials on August 21st 2021 and we’d been raising funds now for 18 months. Gp Capt Alan Matthews then kindly donated the Cold War, Hot Peace book to the Association and all subsequent funds from sales of the book. We’d done it! Just need to sell those books. We need not have worried, they flew out! All over the world. It was a bit of a logistical nightmare to get them out, but with DHLs help, they got out, and we’d raised the money needed, with a bit of a contingency. Round 3 to us!

Two ‘Cold War Hot Peace – 50 Years of Tactical Supply’ books made their way across the world to New Zealand, proudly modelled here by Cam McDonald and Pat Davies.
The committee decided that the day of the unveiling should be a hugely memorable event and that we would combine with the Association Annual Formal Dinner to be held at the Aspects Venue at the NMA. Invitations were sent out to the great and the good, hoping that we’d have a large VIP presence at the unveiling and also the dinner. A Spitfire was booked to do a flypast, we had Mr Ian Dudson, Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire; The Mayor of Stafford Borough; Air Vice-Marshal Gillespie, AOC 2Gp; Air Vice Marshal Hill, Head of Logs Branch; sons and daughters of our Servicing Commando forebears and most importantly, we were blessed with the presence of two members of 3210 Servicing Commando, Alan McQuillan and Desmond Spruce, aged 99 and 101 respectively.
The day started with rain; lots of rain! The first thing that happened was the Spitfire cancelled due to weather, but we were going ahead regardless. We positioned Association stalwart Geordie Lumsden and his good lady Louisa at the entrance to the NMA to welcome our VIPs and guests. Geordie took this opportunity to sell more merchandise from the desk as people arrived. With a quick break in the rain, all VIPs and guests in situ, we decided to get on with the day.
Personnel from TSW provided a ceremonial party to line the route of march, and an escort party of Sgt Burrows and Sgt Myers-Evans escorted Nick Brock, who was carrying the Association Standard. With Fg Off Dan Tindall as Parade Commander and drilled by Sgt Scott Gasser, both under the watchful eye of Wing Commander Jon Smith, CO TSW, the lads were ready to receive our VIP guests. Led by the Lord-Lieutenant and Group Captain Neil Cromarty, the VIP party took their seats. We’d been hoping for a large turnout, and despite the weather, current and former TSW personnel, Veterans and serving, had turned up on mass. It was good to see so many people there.
Everyone stood and applauded when Alan McQuillan and Des Spruce were brought in by Pete Berry and Chris Ryan. It was a very moving and profound moment. The two gents, who fought together in WWII, hadn’t seen each other for over 50 years. You could see the friendship and mutual respect in their eyes. They took their rightful places at the front, alongside Pauline Luckett, Rae Taylor and Nigel Goodyear, all active members of the Association, and ‘children’ of RAFSC members, and VIPs in the eyes of the Association.
Neil Cromarty made a small speech and welcomed everyone to the event and thanked them for travelling the miles to attend, and handed over to CO TSW, who on behalf of all personnel from TSW, also welcomed everyone. There followed a blessing and dedication of the memorials from Rev Jim Horton, Association Chaplain, and former SAC on TSW. Although in good TSW fashion, Rev Jim roped two others into doing his job, as two readings were done by others. Alan and Des were then asked to come forward to unveil the memorials, aided by Pete Berry and Chris Ryan. Once the memorials were there for all to see, and the photos had been taken, Pauline and Rae were asked to lay wreaths on behalf of the Association and TSW, and many guests then came forward with poppies to pay their own respects and tributes.
The weather tried its best to disrupt us, but with most of those attending spending months possibly years of their careers at Sennybridge and Bessbrook, we didn’t care! In keeping with RAFSC and TSW tradition, we just got on with it. We unveiled our memorials, those that were there to see it will probably never forget it. It was a day to reaffirm those old friendships, to chat with those we hadn’t seen in years, and maybe to share a snifter or two afterwards.
Many photos were taken, not least by Dave Perry, who walked around the event taking some outstanding pictures of the event, many of which have now been posted on various social media outlets. Some great pics!
The drinks reception in the venue afterwards was well attended, and it was then that heavens opened. We’re a lucky bunch; happy and lucky.
To celebrate the day, and the 50th Anniversary of TSW, the Association organised the Presidents Annual Formal Dinner, also at the NMA. With nearly 200 guests attending it was a grand affair, with everyone dressed to the nines, and ready to partake of some good food and obviously, a few ales. Toastmaster Chris Caroe, former Royal Marine, officiated the evening superbly, looking after the Vice-President and his guests.
Speeches by Vice-President Cromarty, CO TSW, and Chairman of Association committee, John Andrews, followed dinner along with a brilliant speech from our Guest of Honour, Alan McQuillan, who entertained and made many of us howl with laughter. The room was then entertained by an outstanding video compiled and collated by Dave Christophi, many people were desperate to get copies, it was that good.