RAFSC & TSW Association Presidents Dinner 2024

Saturday the 27th of April 2024 , The National Memorial Arboretum

The President of the RAFSC &TSW Association, AVM Graham Howard is happy to invite members and their guests to this function.

Dress is Black Tie / No5 Mess Dress. Dinner will be a three course meal with wine, port for toasts and tea /coffee. cost is £50 per person.

There will also be a short memorial to our past colleagues at the RAFSC & TSW memorials.

Transport will be provided from the local Travelodge and Premier Inn hotels to the NMA. A limited amount of space will be available from Stafford Premier Inn Hurricane.

Serving personnel will benefit from a coach to and from the venue courtesy of TSW.

If you fancy coming, and you’ve not already contacted us, please get in touch via social media or email to events.rafscdotswassn@gmail.com 

Let us know how to get back to you.

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This web site provides details of the Association and other essential links including those to its forebears. Please send comments, suggestions and contributions for the website to the Webmaster.


