So as 2023 draws to a close and we enter the Festive Season, I thought I’d just post a few words on behalf of the Association Committee.
Firstly I’d like to thank my hardworking committee for all the magnificent work they have all put in this year in support of the Association and its members. The work that goes on behind the scenes is incredible.
I’d also like to thank all members for their continued support.
We’ve had some fantastic events over the past 12 months and they’ve all been attended in great numbers. More to follow in the New Year !!
We continue to recruit new members and I welcome all eligible to join us.
At this time of the year we turn our thoughts to those that didn’t make it, those that are suffering illness, mental or welfare issues.
We offer our thoughts and prayers and as an Association as much support as we can possibly and practicably muster.
We also remember all that are separated from family at this time. To those personnel on duty at home or overseas, stay safe and look after each other.
To absent friends we’ll raise a glass.
I look forward to seeing you all in 2024 in the round, whether at a social function or on any events we have planned.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year !!
Andy Waters, MBE