Many officers who serve on TSW do so for a relatively short time – myself included – but it doesn’t dim our pride in the Wing and the loyalty we feel towards it. In short, we know when we’re a part of something good; indeed, the best! So it is perhaps surprising that it has taken so long for us to get our act together to do what I happily report on below.
Gp Capt. Alan Matthews, a previous OC TSW, is a very active member of the RAF Club. You may not know that “The Club’, located in Piccadilly, has a stunning collection of the crests of RAF squadrons that completely fill the walls of its main corridors – it’s a heraldic walk through the history of our Service.
Alan noticed that the TSW crest was absent from The Club’s walls and, true to form, he’s done something about it. Encouraging officers, past and present, to reach deep into their pockets is always a challenge but Alan successfully achieved his goal and made all the arrangements for the Crest to be presented to The Club. Inviting a previous Chief of the Air Staff, ACM Sir Andrew Pulford, to receive the crest on behalf of the Club was also a stroke of genius. As an ex-SH pilot, who flew Wessex and Chinook operationally, Sir Andrew has had a close association with The Wing over many years.
Alan duly organised a splendid lunch in The Club for a group of serving and retired officers who represented those who contributed to the crest. The TSW crest was presented to ACM Pulford who accepted it on behalf of the RAF Club.

Gp Capt N Cromarty RAF(Retd)