Cromo’s at it Again!

Former OC TSW, Neil Cromarty’s mid-life crisis continues… Here he is again asking for your money – no real apologies and he promises it wont be the last time!!

He writes: So, the plan now is for a single day bike ride with some work colleagues from Yeovilton to Lymington – a distance of between 70 and 80 miles.   At the height of my fitness – no problem – now…well, let’s see!  Some are following it up with a half marathon…but not me, just the bike ride.  Anyway, the real issue is collecting funds for Brainwave a charity that works with families to deliver individual home based therapies that help children with disabilities reach their full potential.  

Can you help…lots of small donations will make a big difference?  If you can.. please go to the justgiving website at and remember to  mention Cromo’s name…if we all give loads he might win the bottle of Bubbly.  Thanks.

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