The Association Reunion Dinner and AGM 2011 – A Reminder!

Don’t forget to get your bookings in to Bob McBey for the Reunion Dinner and AGM on 3rd and 4th June 2011.  As usual, the AGM will be followed by the TSW Families Day – at which it is planned (subject to weather, serviceability and the results of recces) that the RAF Falcons Parachute Display Team, together with 2 Spitfires of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, will be the star attractions.

Booking forms (issued with the Winter 2011 Newsletter) and cheques should be returned to Bob by 30th April 2011 at the latest.  Please contact Tim Newstead or Bob McBey, if you have mislaid your Newsletter or need another Booking Form.

Let us know how to get back to you.

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