Senior Aircraftsman Exelby personifies professionalism, loyalty and dedication. Specifically selected ahead of his peers to work in the TSW Ops Room, he has contributed to the Wing’s operational output to such a high degree that the successes TSW has enjoyed this year are directly attributable to the work he has undertaken. He sets an extremely high benchmark that other airmen and airwomen should aspire to match. In no sphere is this more directly demonstrated than in the estimate and planning processes that are undertaken pre-deployment as a key Operations Room function. On receipt of a sanctioned tasking from Headquarters Joint Helicopter Command for TSW deployed support, Exelby is the initial person to interrogate the request. He conducts a planning estimate and using his extensive subject matter knowledge of all phases of a TSW deployment has excelled in the apportionment of both manpower and resources to the task. Such is his level of expertise in this process that no input has been required by his line management whom have total trust in his ability to always make the correct planning assumptions.
TSW was activated to deploy personnel and equipment in support of Operation LAYLAND following the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Exelby took the lead in organising, manifesting and loading the critical fuels equipment required. Driven by the very tight timeframes associated with the United Kingdom’s contribution to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Nepal, the work he undertook during this time involved co-ordinating MT and Engineering personnel, liaising closely with SNCO Movements, managing and leading the manpower tasked with the loading of the equipment, and producing very detailed equipment lists. This resulted in an extreme level of extra workload in addition to an already demanding primary role. The extended work days and levels of responsibility this entailed were easily absorbed by Exelby who flourished during this time and demonstrated unwavering dedication to the unit and abundant potential for a full and successful RAF career.
Exelby is a trusted ‘go to’ for many tasks outside the normal remit of a Senior Aircraftsman and his efforts have gone far beyond that expected of his rank. As the TSW representative at the Joint Helicopter Command monthly Battlefield Helicopters Allocation Meeting, he often finds himself as the only representative below the rank of Warrant Officer. Nevertheless he still commands respect and delivers thorough and precise briefings with regard to the levels of support TSW can offer for specified periods, seeks clarification on taskings, and conducts a cross check of all agreed support. Without his assured intelligence, meticulous attention to detail and proven leadership and management capabilities, the output from the Operations Room would be severely compromised.
As well as performing exceptionally in his primary duty, Exelby dedicates much of his time to wider Service engagement. He volunteered to organise the TSW display for the Air Combat Power Visit at RAF Coningsby. In addition to the standard planning associated with deploying manpower, vehicles and deployed fuels equipment, Exelby produced a point brief for inclusion in the events briefing programme. This point brief was of such an exceptional level that he received a laudatory letter of appreciation from the Senior Officer in charge of the event organising committee. He then took the lead in briefing a total of 400 visitors including senior officers of Air Rank and the students of the Advanced Command and Staff Course.
Further to all he achieves within his primary role, Exelby also excels outside of work with his extra curricular activities. He was instrumental in the planning of the TSW Families Day; as the event Publicity Member he produced an exceptional programme that would not have looked out of place at an event of a much larger scale. His desire to continually raise the profile of the RAF is also evident as he volunteers as a Service Instructor for the Stafford detachment of the Staffordshire Air Training Corps where, in the words of the Officer Commanding, he has made a ‘massive impact on the unit in terms of skills and training’.
Exelby is the model TSW airman – immensely capable, hard-working and unreservedly devoted he absolutely represents what the unit has strove to instil from its very inception.