Alan “Mac” McQuillan – 100th Birthday Celebrations

I had the pleasure of spending some time yesterday with Alan ‘Mac’ McQuillan in Kemble Village Hall to help him celebrate his 100th Birthday. Alan usually visits the coffee shop on Monday morning, so his friends and neighbours had planned a small surprise party for him, which I was invited to on behalf of the Association.  The problem was, what present do you give a 100-year old?  We decided on a personalised bottle of vintage port and a framed photograph of Alan and Des at the unveiling of the Association Memorials.  Both presents were very gratefully received!  After a couple of Alan’s friends had said a few words, Alan took to the floor (buoyed by a cup of coffee containing a tot of brandy!) cut his cake and spoke fondly of his time serving in 3210 SCdo Unit with Des Spruce.  

Alan is a truly remarkable gentlemen who is highly thought of by his friends, neighbours and the Association alike!  Many happy returns Alan and congratulations on a fantastic achievement!

John Andrews, Chairman.

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